Saturday, September 19, 2009

We love camping!!

Our new favorite place is Fairview, thanks to our trailer I love to camp. Hot shower and warm bed is my idea of roughing it. =0}

The napping Knapps

So cute!!

Ok Ok I know its been a while =0)

Well were do I begin it has been a long while since I have updated this. We are all doing great and have been trying to travel as much as possible this summer before Kayden and Skyler start school. We have been camping several times and the highlight of the summer was taking the boys to Long Beach to see the Aquarium of the Pacific, it was awesome. They loved the beach, Kayden was so excited to find sea shells. We looked so hard and couldn't find any. Not wanting the boys to be disappointed I bought some from the gift shop and when the boys weren't looking we would through them in the sand. They were the only kids on the beach that found Star fish and Sand dollars and huge sea shells. =0)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In pictures they stay little forever

Just can't get enough

I got the boys pictures taken last week here are a few of the proofs. It was so nice she came out to my house. It was a lot of fun much better then going to a studio. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kaydens Our Little Valentine

This is Kaydens Valentines Day Box. Although it took a few day to find out why he was not going to go to preschool for there Valentines Day Party. "Because they will shoot you Mom " he was really concerned and decided he was not going. I keep asking were he heard that and he finally said his teacher told him "A guy will come and shoot you in the heart and make you fall in Love" I asked him if the guys name was Cupid and he said that was him. So we had a talk about how Cupid was only four inches tall and could not hurt him. I love the way they think!!

Best Friend Brothers

Sweet Dreams

Friday, January 16, 2009


Mason Steel Knapp Born 01-13-2009 @ 2:56 pm 7lbs 10 oz 21 1/2 in long. He is healthy and perfect, just like his brothers. Kayden and Skyler are the best big brothers. They love to hold him and love to share their toys with them. Bil and I are so lucky to have such a great family.

Kayden and Skyers new carseats

We got the boys new car seats I put them together and they love them and wanted to be straped in and wanted there chocolate milk for there drink holders. I showed Bil the pictures and told him this is how I keep the boys under control =)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Finally Snow

Bil and the boys have been so excited for it to snow and every storm has missed us out here. The first time the boys saw snow this year they were in St George at my parents. Ironic you need to go the St George to see snow, they received several inches. So much for global warming! But finally it was our turn. Bil hooked up the sleds behind the 4 wheeler, Skyler rode with Bil while they pulled Kayden around. They also has a blast plowing snow from all the driveways.

This was a very Merry Christmas this year

It wasn't looking like I was going to be able to make it home for Christmas this year and the Sunday before Christmas they decided to discharge me from the hospital so I could be at home. Even though I was still on bed rest. I never have appreciated the comfort of my own house and just being here with Bil and the boys. We had a great day it was so relaxing. Kids definitely make the holidays memorable. Santa brought Skyler a new Power wheels truck and Kayden a fancy new Tony Hawk Bike. Excited to see the boys reaction I went into the living room first. They both came running in, thinking Kayden would just loose him mind over the bike, he just looked at it funny and said is that mine. Excitedly I told him it was. He just gave the look only Kayden can give and said I think my old bike is faster. Then picked up his stocking pulled out a Pez dispenser and lost his mind. We could not stop laughing, you just never know what will be a hit with a 5 year old. Skyler wasn't to interested in opening his presents he just sat in his truck and played with the real radio that is in his truck. He did like filling up the bed of his truck with all of his unopened presents. We had the best day I hope you all had the same. Merry Christmas